With the popularity of all those shoulder baring, armpit exposing wedding dresses taking shape, you might be apt to make a beeline for the deodorant that guarantees to make you never sweat and simultaneously make you smell like a fresh, clean breeze on a moonlit path in the middle of April. Who knows how they do this? However, we sweat for a reason. Not sayin' it's couth to walk into a wedding smelling like you just left the gym, but it's not like men and nipples. Our sweat function exists for a reason. (This is going to read a little like an infomercial, but I promise no one is paying me to write this. It's just a personal product which I'm happy to vouch for.) Personally, I hesitated to switch because I swear I sweat more than most girls (sooo sexy, I know), but I put my smelly fears away and made a switch to a more natural deodorant with less freaky ingredients. There are a few options out there, but I'm currently using Tom's of Maine. And so far, so good!
Of course, once we hit 95 degrees in July and August, all bets are off.
So with that said, what do you think? Do you have a personal favorite hygiene product you'd be willing to vouch for?
I tried Tom's about a year ago and was left with a nasty, painful rash on my underarms. The same happened with two friends of mine, and none of us were able to shake it in less than a month. Definitely be careful if you're trying it and maybe just put it on a patch of skin for a week or so and make sure your body won't break out in the ouchies!
I use the Arm & Hammer baking soda deodorant and LOVE it! My white shirts used to get those yellowy armpit stains (yeah, highly attractive, I know), but since I've been using aluminum-free deodorants, no stains!
btw, I think I've even seen some "extra strength" ones... I'm not sure what that includes, but for those uberhot days, it might be worth a look.
I went back to anti-perspirant because it was cheaper and easier to get, but I loved Kiss my Face roll-on deoderant. No smellyness, and I don't sweat much. It's also not sticky and gooey like Tom's of Maine.
Burt's Bees spray deodorant w/ oil of sage... it comes in a recyclable aluminum bottle! I've been thru the gammit with deodorants... and i'm smelling very nice (even after a long day) and into the next day with this one!
my mother's oncologist asked her to switch to aluminum-free deodorant during her chemo treatments (she had breast cancer.) she found that a sensitive skin version of tom's of maine deodorant worked great for her, and she was able to find lots of scents that she liked!
When I heard about the study on aluminum, I was DONE with deodorants and anti-persperants! Then, after a few days of noticing my own... smell, I tried Tom's Lavender deoderant. It was very moist, and I had to walk around with my arms up for a while. I didn't really like the scent, so I just kicked it all to the way side and am deodorant free!
I spoke to my dr. about it and she said that if you don't wear it, your pits will smell less than someone that does wear it. The toxins are being trapped in your body, and getting stinkier!
(I do keep some Tom's on hand for those HOT days though)
I just reviewed and claimed my new absolute FAVORITE all-natural deodorant made with organic ingredients from Soapwalla Kitchen. It works better than any I've tried thus far AND it seems to be reducing wetness and lasts at least 24 hours.
Just a heads-up on Tom's...I used to use it too back in the day and it was just okay for me in terms of performance. After I learned more about propylene glycol which is the FIRST ingredient in it I looked for something else. Propylene glycol is far from natural. Here's some more info if you're interested:
Good for you for finding less toxic deodorant alternatives :)
I've just started using Tom's Apricot a couple months ago - I'm loving it so far.
I actually used just straight up baking soda for about a year prior to that. It wasn't easy when I was traveling and I imagine others would think it's a hassle to put on. I would just rub on a fine layer.
I had a few classmates (women) that weaned themselves off of deodorant and antiperspirant altogether - they didn't use anything and no one ever noticed the difference - and the profession we're in you have to get pretty close to people.
I haven't been brave enough to try it.
As someone who is currently recovering from Breast Cancer...I completely agree with what you are saying! I am 45 now, and wish I would have made these changes in my 20's. I got very healthy at age 40, but it was too little too late. The good news, I am now cancer free and I will spend the REST of my life being healthy! And trying to spread the word to younger woman, about the importance of being healthy! I now make my own bath and body products! Outrebeautybistro.etsy.com
Thank you for such great feedback everyone! I will be creating a followup post about this and I'll make sure to reference some of these great ideas!
I often go deoderant free, but am using Tom's as well for the days where I know I might generate more sweat then usual. :)
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