Planning a wedding is an incredible amount of work. When I tied the knot, I remember sneaking peaks of wedding websites whenever the boss was out of town and my weekends were spent meeting with vendors, checking out venues, and calling up bands. In addition to all that, there was the budget to worry about.
Setting up the registry is easy peasy. Couples receive their own webpage, which includes an introduction or story, details about where they are going on their honeymoon, and the registry itself.
What I love about Honeymoon Pixie is that you can specify what exactly you would like. You can register for everything from dinner at a highly rated restaurant, a night in the honeymoon suite, or as in the Disney Honeymoon in the picture above, a trip to Hollywood Studios or Epcot. (Check out some of the honeymoon registries available on their sample page for more ideas!)
It's a great alternative to the traditional registry - no more worrying about returning duplicate gifts or fear of offending guests by asking for cash. Guests love honeymoon registries because it gives them a real sense of being able to contribute to something greater.
Visit Honeymoon Pixie's Website!
Check out Honeymoon Pixie on Facebook, where they have over 6000 fans, and Wedding Wire, where they've received an array of really positive reviews and the 2012 Bride's Choice Award.

Planning a wedding is really very hard task. We plan honeymoon after it because honeymoon is the best place to understand each other and it is a break for both the couples.
Wow! That is cool for honeymoon!
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