Thursday, November 20, 2008

What to Wear

If your passion in life is tom selleck, the vocal stylings of bill cosby, tea, brian eno, old cameras, pears, the weather report, then Kristyn Little might be your new best friend. Or maybe you prefer table tennis, working out, your girlfriend Renee, family, and especially your grandchildren. Well, if that's the case, then you have some explaining to do to Lloyd Strauz - he probably doesn't like sharing his girlfriend.

I like these shirts by Joy Apparel. Real faces, from all different areas of the world, are drawn and printed on t-shirts to create truly unique clothing. The whole idea is that by wearing one of these shirts, you will think about that person and how your everyday actions can affect others. Also cool - 5% of the net profit from each t-shirt sold is donated to a different charity each month.

These would certainly make for interesting gifts, either for the holidays or for your bridal party.

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