Monday, November 3, 2008

For The Bride-to-Be: Living Healthier

I never believed planning a wedding was like having a full time job until I did it myself. And of course, like many of you, actually having a full time job and planning a wedding at the same time didn't make things any easier. I spent the better half of six months trying to sneak wedding planning in whilst on the job. Needless to say, it got stressful. And while I'm pretty good at managing stress for a short while, it eventually started to wear me down. So since I've "been there, done that" kind of thing, I'm going to start posting regularly on how to live a little healthier - mentally, spiritually, and physically - so that you can better handle whatever stress your wedding planning may throw at you. What better day to do that than on Mondays!? So be on the lookout - next Monday I'll be discussing home beauty treatments to relax and revitalize!

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