Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Being Thankful

Can you believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already? Here in the U.S., Americans all across the country will be filling their bellys with cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and turkey stuffing. And that's great - it's what Thanksgiving is all about! But it's also a time to be thankful and to give and to love. This year I decided to make a donation to Heifer International, an organization which supplies hunger relief to struggling families by supplying them with livestock, training, and organizational development. You may or may not remember that it was this couple who donated to Heifer in lieu of wedding favors!

There are other things you can do besides donate money, which I know isn't feasible for everyone. Divine Caroline suggests holding your own food drive, volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, or deliver Thanksgiving dinners to housebound people. Or it can be as simple as offering your neighbor homemade pie.

Top Photo Credits: Left,; Right,

1 comment:

melissa said...

This is a great reminder and Heifer is a great organization. We are considering "registering" with Heifer for our wedding.

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