Sunday, October 14, 2007

Zero Waste Tip #1: Finding A Venue

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It's blog action day! Woohoo! Just in case no one knows, today is the day where bloggers unite and post about one thing-the environment. Of course, I kind of write about the environment every day, so it will just be business as usual here.

I'm kicking off this week with a series of posts about planning a zero waste wedding. This is one of those things that can get a little tricky, especially when it comes to the type of waste that is hard to measure, such as air pollution. But as long as you try to create as little waste as possible with every aspect of your wedding, then you're on the right track.

So what's the first step of wedding planning? Typically, it's setting a date and finding a venue. First off, you'll want to pick a venue that exists where most of your guests live. This will cut down on the pollution created from traveling and will reduce the amount of carbon offsets you'll probably want to purchase. Next, pick a venue that utilizes earth friendly practices. It will be easier for your venue to accommodate your zero waste goal if they already implement environmentally friendly programs. The Earthcare program was created by Kimpton Hotels, who do things like use environmentally friendly cleaning products, in-room designer recycling bins, and practicing energy and water conservation. (Read more about Kimpton's Earthcare program here)

Photos from Kimpton's Alexis Hotel in Seattle.

Check in tomorrow for tips on Zero Waste Invitations!


bunnybride said...

Awesome series this week. I look forward to reading. I always wanted a simple wedding with a potluck recpetion in a park since everyone would ideally live nearby. Unfortunately our wedding has guests too scattered to do that.

Jennifer said...

Wouldn't a potluck wedding be fantastic!? It would be hard for the out of towners, but great idea!

Anonymous said...

I'm an absolutely paper FANATIC!! I can't wait to read your blog on "Zero Waste Invitations". I hope its made from the seed paper that I love so much! :) Great work! LOVE LOVE LOVE your page!

Jennifer said...

Seeded invitations are definitely a great alternative to regular wedding invites.
Thanks for the compliment Kim!

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